QBI 2020 Conference Sessions

6 Jan - 9 Jan

Tuesday January 7

Registration Desk Opens

08:00 18:00 Registration Desk/Area

Opening Remarks

Session Chair: Raimund Ober

08:15 08:30 Room 1

Key Note Lecture 1: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz

Session Chair: Marino Zerial

08:30 09:10 Room 1

Eukaryotic organelles: deciphering their interdependency, structure and dynamics with new imaging technologies (# 595)

Jennifer A. Lippincott-Schwartz
HHMI Janelia Research Campus,

08:30 09:10

Past Chair Lecture

Session Chair: Raimund Ober

09:10 09:40 Room 1


Charles Kervrann
Inria, Rennes, FR

09:10 09:40

Poster Award Lecture

Session Chair: Susan Cox

09:40 09:50 Room 1

DeepSTORM3D: Deep learning for dense 3D single molecule localization microscopy (# 360)

Elias E Nehme, Daniel Freedman, Racheli Gordon, Boris Ferdman, Lucien E Weiss, Onit Alalouf, Reut Orange, Tomer Michaeli, Yoav Shechtman
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IL

09:40 09:50

Coffee Break

09:50 10:20 Foyer

Minisymposium: Volumetric Imaging

Session Chair: Martin Booth

10:20 11:20 Room 1

3D parallelized RESOLFT optical nanoscopy (# 572)

Ilaria Testa
KTH, SciLifeLab,

10:20 10:40


Alfred Millett-Sikking, Andrew York
Calico Labs,

10:40 11:00

Mesoscale imaging with the Mesolens (# 579)

Gail McConnell
University of Strathclyde,

11:00 11:20

Session: Advanced Imaging Techniques

Session Chair: Martin Booth

11:20 12:00 Room 1

Quantitating light sheet microscopy (# 460)

James Manton, Nick Barry
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,

11:20 11:40

Label-free live-cell imaging at 150 nm and 100 Hz by ROCS-Microscopy (# 487)

Alexander Rohrbach
University of Freiburg,

11:40 12:00

Session: Applications in Cell Biology

Session Chair: Daniel Wüstner

10:20 12:05 Room 2

Multiplex Single Molecule Pull-down (SiMPull) measurements of EGFR site-specific phoshporylation (# 494)

Diane Lidke
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, US

10:20 10:35

Quantitative analysis of EGF receptor dynamics, confinement and interaction with the cytoskeleton using nanoparticle labelling, single-molecule tracking and hydrodynamic force application (# 492)

Chao Yu, Maximilian Richly, Cedric Bouzigues, Antigoni Alexandrou
Ecole polytechnique,

10:35 10:50

Condensation of endoplasmic reticulum membrane domains (# 325)

Konstantin S.A. Speckner, Lorenz Stadler, Matthias Weiss
University of Bayreuth, , DE

10:50 11:05

Super-resolution Microscopy Elucidates Curvature Generation By Endocytic Clathrin Coats In Live Cells and Tissues (# 402)

Comert Kural
Ohio State University,

11:05 11:20

Nanoscale cellular dynamics with super-resolution spectroscopy (# 444)

Erdinc Sezgin, Christian Eggeling
University of Oxford, , GB

11:20 11:35

Quantitative imaging of intracellular receptors in cardiac myocytes using DNA-PAINT (# 466)

Anna Meletiou, Christian Soeller
University of Exeter,

11:35 11:50

Novel intensity-based approach to characterize astrocytic calcium signals (# 510)

Andre Zeug, Franziska Müller, Evgeni Ponimaskin, Gebhard Stopper
Hannover Medical School,

11:50 12:05

Lunch (provided)

12:05 13:30 Food Area

Minisymposium: Imaging in Immunology

Session Chair: Sally Ward

13:30 15:00 Room 1

Supramolecular attack particles: a new cytotoxic biomaterial (# 599)

Stefan Balint, Maria Harkiolaki, Roman Fischer, Benedikt Kessler, Michael Loran Dustin
University of Oxford,

13:30 14:00

Superresolution Microscopy Images: What they tell us about protein clusters – and what they don’t (# 423)

Gerhard J. Schütz
Vienna University of Technology, , Austria

14:00 14:20

Applications of single-molecule localisation microscopy to studying negative regulators of T cell activation (# 413)

Dylan M Owen, Sabrina Simoncelli
University of Birmingham,

14:20 14:40

Quantitative analyses of T cell signaling (# 520)

Christoph Wuelfing
University of Bristol,

14:40 15:00

Session: Advances in Optical Approaches

Session Chair: Martin Booth

13:30 15:00 Room 2

Towards quantum enhanced quantitative superresolution microscopy (# 296)

Dan Oron, Ron Tenne, Uri Rossman, Gur Lubin
Weizmann Institute of science,

13:30 13:45

Metal-Induced Energy Transfer (# 309)

Jörg Enderlein
Georg August University, Göttingen, DE

13:45 14:00

Homogeneous multifocal excitation for high-throughput super-resolution imaging (# 297)

Dora Mahecic, Davide Gambarotto, Kyle Douglass, Denis Fortun, Maeva Le Guennec, Virginie Hamel, Paul Guichard, Suliana Manley
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, CH

14:00 14:15

Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics for Microscopy (# 414)

Karen M Hampson, Jiahe Cui, Matthew Wincott, Syed Asad Hussain, Kaustubh Banerjee, Pouya Rajaeipour, Hans Zappe, Caglar Ataman, Martin Booth
University of Oxford,

14:15 14:30

Random Illumination Microscopy (RIM) : nanoscopy in living tissues with neither calibration nor adaptive optics (# 349)

Thomas Mangeat, Simon Labouesse, awoke negash, Emmanuel Martin, Renaud Poincloux, Xiabo Wang, Magali Suzanne, Mathieu Pinot, Roland LE BORGNE, nicolas Sandeau, Kamal Belkebir, Hugues giovannini, Marc Allain, Jérome Idier, Anne Sentenac
CBI, Toulouse, FR

14:30 14:45

Thermophoretic trap for single amyloid fibril and protein aggregation studies (# 411)

Tobias Thalheim
Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics, Leipzig University,

14:45 15:00

Poster Session

15:00 16:30 Poster Area

Chroma Technologies sponsored Coffee Break

15:00 16:30 Foyer

Minisymposium: Bioimage Informatics

Session Chair: Charles Kervrann

16:30 17:30 Room 1

Machine Learning for Computational Phenotyping: how to overcome the need for massive image annotation (# 530)

Thomas Edgar Walter
Mines ParisTech, Paris, FR

16:30 16:50

Statistical analysis and modeling of single particle trajectories to reveal the flow and dynamics of the ER (# 555)

David Holcman

16:50 17:10

Quantitative Multicolor Super-Resolution Microscopy (# 585)

Jean-Baptiste Sibarita
Interdisciplinary Institute for NeuroScience, , France

17:10 17:30

Session: Bioimage informatics

Session Chair: Charles Kervrann

17:30 18:00 Room 1

Quantifying the Robustness of Topological Defects in Orientation Fields from Bio-Images (# 278)

Karl B. Hoffmann, Ivo Sbalzarini
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics,

17:30 17:45

KDML: a Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning for Analysing High Throughput Imaging Data (# 366)

Heba Sailem, Jens Rittscher, Lucas Pelkmans
University of Oxford, Oxford, GB

17:45 18:00

Session: Advanced Microscopy Techniques

Session Chair: Jörg Enderlein

16:30 17:45 Room 2

Measuring diffusion dynamics at high photon-count rates with FCS and STED-FCS (# 450)

Falk Schneider, M. Julia Roberti, Erdinc Sezgin, Christian Eggeling, Iztok Urbančič
University of Oxford, Oxford, GB

16:30 16:45

Automated, User-independent Correction of Artifacts in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Measurements using Convolutional Neural Networks (# 346)

Alexander Seltmann, Christian Eggeling, Dominic Waithe
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,

16:45 17:00

Optimization of experimental and acquisition parameters for improved SOFI super-resolution microscopy imaging (# 446)

Dario Cevoli
Université de Lille,

17:00 17:15

An extended quantitative model for super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) (# 350)

Peter Dedecker, Wim Vandenberg, Sam Duwé, Marcel Leutenegger
KU Leuven, Leuven, BE

17:15 17:30

Fluorescence Speckle Correlation Spectroscopy (# 307)

Anirban Sarkar, Irène Wang, Jörg Enderlein, Jacques Derouard, Antoine Delon
Université Grenoble Alpes, , FR

17:30 17:45

Dinner Break (on own)

18:00 18:30 (on own)

Workshop: Single molecule localization microscopy flight simulator

Session Chair: Daniel Sage

18:30 20:15 Room 1

SMLM flight simulator (WORKSHOP) (# 536)

Juliette Griffie, Daniel Sage
EPFL, Lausanne, CH

18:30 20:15

Career opportunities in academia and industry (organized by QBI student and post-doc chapter)

20:15 21:15 Room 1

QBI Student/Post-doc Chapter Social Meeting

21:15 22:00 Off site