QBI 2020 Conference Sessions
6 Jan - 9 Jan
Registration Desk Opens |
08:00 | 18:00 | Registration Desk/Area |
Opening Remarks Session Chair: Raimund Ober |
08:15 | 08:30 | Room 1 |
Key Note Lecture 1: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz Session Chair: Marino Zerial |
08:30 | 09:10 | Room 1 |
Eukaryotic organelles: deciphering their interdependency, structure and dynamics with new imaging technologies (# 595)
Jennifer A. Lippincott-Schwartz
08:30 | 09:10 | |
Past Chair Lecture Session Chair: Raimund Ober |
09:10 | 09:40 | Room 1 |
Charles Kervrann
09:10 | 09:40 | |
Poster Award Lecture Session Chair: Susan Cox |
09:40 | 09:50 | Room 1 |
DeepSTORM3D: Deep learning for dense 3D single molecule localization microscopy (# 360)
Elias E Nehme,
Daniel Freedman,
Racheli Gordon,
Boris Ferdman,
Lucien E Weiss,
Onit Alalouf,
Reut Orange,
Tomer Michaeli,
Yoav Shechtman
09:40 | 09:50 | |
Coffee Break |
09:50 | 10:20 | Foyer |
Minisymposium: Volumetric Imaging Session Chair: Martin Booth |
10:20 | 11:20 | Room 1 |
3D parallelized RESOLFT optical nanoscopy (# 572)
Ilaria Testa
10:20 | 10:40 | |
Alfred Millett-Sikking,
Andrew York
10:40 | 11:00 | |
Mesoscale imaging with the Mesolens (# 579)
Gail McConnell
11:00 | 11:20 | |
Session: Advanced Imaging Techniques Session Chair: Martin Booth |
11:20 | 12:00 | Room 1 |
Quantitating light sheet microscopy (# 460)
James Manton,
Nick Barry
11:20 | 11:40 | |
Label-free live-cell imaging at 150 nm and 100 Hz by ROCS-Microscopy (# 487)
Alexander Rohrbach
11:40 | 12:00 | |
Session: Applications in Cell Biology Session Chair: Daniel Wüstner |
10:20 | 12:05 | Room 2 |
Multiplex Single Molecule Pull-down (SiMPull) measurements of EGFR site-specific phoshporylation (# 494)
Diane Lidke
10:20 | 10:35 | |
Quantitative analysis of EGF receptor dynamics, confinement and interaction with the cytoskeleton using nanoparticle labelling, single-molecule tracking and hydrodynamic force application (# 492)
Chao Yu,
Maximilian Richly,
Cedric Bouzigues,
Antigoni Alexandrou
10:35 | 10:50 | |
Condensation of endoplasmic reticulum membrane domains (# 325)
Konstantin S.A. Speckner,
Lorenz Stadler,
Matthias Weiss
10:50 | 11:05 | |
Super-resolution Microscopy Elucidates Curvature Generation By Endocytic Clathrin Coats In Live Cells and Tissues (# 402)
Comert Kural
11:05 | 11:20 | |
Nanoscale cellular dynamics with super-resolution spectroscopy (# 444)
Erdinc Sezgin,
Christian Eggeling
11:20 | 11:35 | |
Quantitative imaging of intracellular receptors in cardiac myocytes using DNA-PAINT (# 466)
Anna Meletiou,
Christian Soeller
11:35 | 11:50 | |
Novel intensity-based approach to characterize astrocytic calcium signals (# 510)
Andre Zeug,
Franziska Müller,
Evgeni Ponimaskin,
Gebhard Stopper
11:50 | 12:05 | |
Lunch (provided) |
12:05 | 13:30 | Food Area |
Minisymposium: Imaging in Immunology Session Chair: Sally Ward |
13:30 | 15:00 | Room 1 |
Supramolecular attack particles: a new cytotoxic biomaterial (# 599)
Stefan Balint,
Maria Harkiolaki,
Roman Fischer,
Benedikt Kessler,
Michael Loran Dustin
13:30 | 14:00 | |
Superresolution Microscopy Images: What they tell us about protein clusters – and what they don’t (# 423)
Gerhard J. Schütz
14:00 | 14:20 | |
Applications of single-molecule localisation microscopy to studying negative regulators of T cell activation (# 413)
Dylan M Owen,
Sabrina Simoncelli
14:20 | 14:40 | |
Quantitative analyses of T cell signaling (# 520)
Christoph Wuelfing
14:40 | 15:00 | |
Session: Advances in Optical Approaches Session Chair: Martin Booth |
13:30 | 15:00 | Room 2 |
Towards quantum enhanced quantitative superresolution microscopy (# 296)
Dan Oron,
Ron Tenne,
Uri Rossman,
Gur Lubin
13:30 | 13:45 | |
Metal-Induced Energy Transfer (# 309)
Jörg Enderlein
13:45 | 14:00 | |
Homogeneous multifocal excitation for high-throughput super-resolution imaging (# 297)
Dora Mahecic,
Davide Gambarotto,
Kyle Douglass,
Denis Fortun,
Maeva Le Guennec,
Virginie Hamel,
Paul Guichard,
Suliana Manley
14:00 | 14:15 | |
Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics for Microscopy (# 414)
Karen M Hampson,
Jiahe Cui,
Matthew Wincott,
Syed Asad Hussain,
Kaustubh Banerjee,
Pouya Rajaeipour,
Hans Zappe,
Caglar Ataman,
Martin Booth
14:15 | 14:30 | |
Random Illumination Microscopy (RIM) : nanoscopy in living tissues with neither calibration nor adaptive optics (# 349)
Thomas Mangeat,
Simon Labouesse,
awoke negash,
Emmanuel Martin,
Renaud Poincloux,
Xiabo Wang,
Magali Suzanne,
Mathieu Pinot,
nicolas Sandeau,
Kamal Belkebir,
Hugues giovannini,
Marc Allain,
Jérome Idier,
Anne Sentenac
14:30 | 14:45 | |
Thermophoretic trap for single amyloid fibril and protein aggregation studies (# 411)
Tobias Thalheim
14:45 | 15:00 | |
Poster Session |
15:00 | 16:30 | Poster Area |
Chroma Technologies sponsored Coffee Break |
15:00 | 16:30 | Foyer |
Minisymposium: Bioimage Informatics Session Chair: Charles Kervrann |
16:30 | 17:30 | Room 1 |
Machine Learning for Computational Phenotyping: how to overcome the need for massive image annotation (# 530)
Thomas Edgar Walter
16:30 | 16:50 | |
Statistical analysis and modeling of single particle trajectories to reveal the flow and dynamics of the ER (# 555)
David Holcman
16:50 | 17:10 | |
Quantitative Multicolor Super-Resolution Microscopy (# 585)
Jean-Baptiste Sibarita
17:10 | 17:30 | |
Session: Bioimage informatics Session Chair: Charles Kervrann |
17:30 | 18:00 | Room 1 |
Quantifying the Robustness of Topological Defects in Orientation Fields from Bio-Images (# 278)
Karl B. Hoffmann,
Ivo Sbalzarini
17:30 | 17:45 | |
KDML: a Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning for Analysing High Throughput Imaging Data (# 366)
Heba Sailem,
Jens Rittscher,
Lucas Pelkmans
17:45 | 18:00 | |
Session: Advanced Microscopy Techniques Session Chair: Jörg Enderlein |
16:30 | 17:45 | Room 2 |
Measuring diffusion dynamics at high photon-count rates with FCS and STED-FCS (# 450)
Falk Schneider,
M. Julia Roberti,
Erdinc Sezgin,
Christian Eggeling,
Iztok Urbančič
16:30 | 16:45 | |
Automated, User-independent Correction of Artifacts in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Measurements using Convolutional Neural Networks (# 346)
Alexander Seltmann,
Christian Eggeling,
Dominic Waithe
16:45 | 17:00 | |
Optimization of experimental and acquisition parameters for improved SOFI super-resolution microscopy imaging (# 446)
Dario Cevoli
17:00 | 17:15 | |
An extended quantitative model for super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) (# 350)
Peter Dedecker,
Wim Vandenberg,
Sam Duwé,
Marcel Leutenegger
17:15 | 17:30 | |
Fluorescence Speckle Correlation Spectroscopy (# 307)
Anirban Sarkar,
Irène Wang,
Jörg Enderlein,
Jacques Derouard,
Antoine Delon
17:30 | 17:45 | |
Dinner Break (on own) |
18:00 | 18:30 | (on own) |
Workshop: Single molecule localization microscopy flight simulator Session Chair: Daniel Sage |
18:30 | 20:15 | Room 1 |
SMLM flight simulator (WORKSHOP) (# 536)
Juliette Griffie,
Daniel Sage
18:30 | 20:15 | |
Career opportunities in academia and industry (organized by QBI student and post-doc chapter) |
20:15 | 21:15 | Room 1 |
QBI Student/Post-doc Chapter Social Meeting |
21:15 | 22:00 | Off site |